Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

Developing New Products

By its nature marketing requires new ideas. Unlike some organizational functions, where basic processes follow a fairly consistent routine (e.g., accounting), successful marketers are constantly making adjustments to their marketing efforts. New ideas are essential for responding to changing demand by the target market and by pressure exerted by competitors. These changes are manifested in decisions in all marketing areas including the development of new products.In addition to being responsive to changing customer tastes and competitive forces, there are many other reasons why new product development is vital. These include:
  1. Many new products earn higher profits than older products. This is often the case for products considered innovative or unique which, for a period of time, may enjoy success and initially face little or no competition.
  2. New products can help reposition the company in customer’s minds. For instance, a company that traditionally sold low priced products with few features may shift customers’ perceptions about the company by introducing products with more features and slightly higher pricing.
  3. Fierce global competition and technological developments make it much easier for competitors to learn about products and replicate them. To stay ahead of competitors marketers must innovate and often create and introduce new products on a consistent schedule.
  4. Companies with limited depth in a product line may miss out on more sales unless they can add new products to fill out the line.
  5. Some firms market seasonal products that garner their highest sales during a certain time of the year or sell cyclical products whose sales fluctuate depending on economic or market factors. Expanding the firm’s product mix into new areas may help offset these fluctuations. For manufacturing firms an additional benefit is realized as new products utilize existing production capacity that is under-used when seasonal or cyclical products are not being produced.

Comment:  I think the product development not only for the success of the product but also to the interests of the company's future.


Keluaran rencana kebutuhan bahan ialah informasi yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pengendalian produksi. Keluaran pertama berupa rencana pemesanan yang disusun berdasarkan waktu ancang dari setiap komponen atau item. Dengan adanya rencana pemesanan, maka kebutuhan bahan pada tingkat yang lebih rendah dapat diketahui. Selain itu proyeksi kebutuhan kapasitas juga akan diketahui, yang selanjutnya akan memberikan “revisi” atas perencanaan kapasitas yang dilakukan pada tahap sebelumnya.
Keluaran rencana kebutuhan bahan lainnya ialah:
     A.    Memberikan catatan pesanan penjadwalan yang harus dilakukan atau direncanakan baik dari pabrik maupun dari pemasok
     B.     Memberikan indikasi penjadwalan ulang
     C.     Memberikan indikasi pembatalan pesanan
     D.    Memberikan indikasi keadaan persediaan

Dengan demikian, pada garis besarnya MRP (Material Requirements Planning/rencana kebutuhan bahan) bukan hanya menyangkut manajemen material dan persediaan saja, tetapi juga mempengaruhi aktivitas perencanaan  dan pengendalian produksi sehari-hari di perusahaan.

Comment: This method is used to discrete industry with products, for industrial products that are continuous with this method can not be applied.

Pengendaliaan Jadwal Induk Produksi

Setelah rencana produksi ditetapkan, ada dua alasan penyesuaian, yaitu permintaan aktual yang menyimpang dari ramalan permintaan atau produksi aktual tidak sama dengan produksi yang direncanakan. Faktanya, selalu terjadi penyimpangan sehingga rencana produksi yang telah ditetapkan harus selalu di revisi dan disesuaikan. Produksi aktual pun dapat menyimpang dari rencana produksi karena berbagai alasan. Mungkin saja terjadi kerusakan lintas produksi, tenaga kerja sakit, kekurangan suku cadang, atau perubahan metode kerja. Oleh karenanya selalu dibutuhkan penyesuaian. Biegel mengusulkan agar penyesuaian rencana produksi dilakukan berdasarkan peningkatan atau pengurangan jumlah persediaan.

Opini: Should be determined after the production plan should be developed a method of the production control.

Aplikasi model perencanaan persediaan

Model EOQ ialah model dasar yang diturunkan dari kondisi ideal. Penerapan EOQ dalam suatu perusahaan disebut sebagai teknik jumlah pesanan dan waktu pemesanan yang tetap. Dalam kondisi aktual kebijaksaan ini jarang dapat terlaksana dengan sempurna karena adanya variasi laju kebutuhan dan saat pemenuhan kebutuhan. Secara operasonal, perusahaan dapat memilih untuk melakukan salah satu dari dua kebijaksanaan persediaan berikut ini: jumalh pesanan yang tetap (pola Q) atau periode pesanan yang tetap (pola P).

Dalam kebijaksanaan persediaan pesanan tetap, pemesanan bahan baku dilakukan dalam jumlah yang tetap. Semetara itu dalam kebijaksanaan persediaan periode pesanan tetap, jumalh barang yang dipesan tergantung pada tingkat persediaan pada saat pemesanan dan tingkat persediaan maksimum yang diinginkan; sementara pesanan dilakukan dalam jangka waktu yang tetap. 

Opini: I think this model was applied for the planning and control of supply items separately.

Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Quated speech & Reported speech

1. Adinda said, “I don’t want to go”  She said she didn’t want to go 
2. Bayu said, “Meet me after class” He told me to met him after class
3. “Are you sad?” said Lila  Lila asked me if I was sad
4. “Rizky”,said Yuli “is my best friend” Yuli said that Rizky was her best friend
5. “What do you want?” said Yudha  He asked me if I wanted 
6. “is what I explained clear?” said Mr.D  Mr.D asked me if what he had explained was clear or not 
7. “Have you ever met you idol?” Said Inna  Inna asked me if I had met my idol 
8. He said, “What time is it?” He asked me if what time it is  
9. He asked, “Have you need any good books lately?” He asked me if I had need any good books lately 
10. He asked,  “Did you finish your assignment?” He asked me if I had finished my assignment
11. He asked,  “May I borrow your English grammar book?” He asked me if he might borrow my English grammar book
12. He asked,  “Is what you want to talk to me about important?” He asked me if what I wanted to talk to him was important or not 
13. He asked,  “Is what you said really true?” He asked me if what I said was really true or not 
14. He said,  “Where should I meet you after class?” He asked me if where should he met me after class 
15. He said,  “Who do you think will win the champion league?” He asked me if who did I think would win the champion league

Senin, 03 Juni 2013

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future. (Adapted from Bryson's Strategic Planning in Public and Nonprofit Organizations).
A word by word dissection of this definition provides the key elements that underlie the meaning and success of a strategic planning process: The process is strategic because it involves preparing the best way to respond to the circumstances of the organization's environment, whether or not its circumstances are known in advance; nonprofits often must respond to dynamic and even hostile environments. Being strategic, then, means being clearr bout the organization's objectives, being aware of the organization's resources, and incorporating both into being consciously responsive to a dynamic environment.
The process is about planning because it involves intentionally setting goals (i.e., choosing a desired future) and developing an approach to achieving those goals.  The process is disciplined in that it calls for a certain order and pattern to keep it focused and productive. The process raises a sequence of questions that helps planners examine experience, test assumptions, gather and incorporate information about the present, and anticipate the environment in which the organization will be working in the future.
Finally, the process is about fundamental decisions and actions because choices must be made in order to answer the sequence of questions mentioned above. The strategic planning can be complex, challenging, and even messy, but it is always defined by the basic ideas outlined above - and you can always return to these basics for insight into your own strategic planning process.
Opini: So the strategy is essential for the smooth management of a company.